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dc.contributor.advisorOmenguele, René Guy-
dc.contributor.authorEla Ngbwa, Doline Rolande-
dc.description.abstractTo achieve our objective, which is to study the relationship between the use of information and communication technologies and the empowerment of women, we first of all constructed an analytical framework in which the concept "Technologies of Information and Communication ”is considered as the independent variable and“ women's empowerment ”as the dependent variable; and this, based on the literature relating to these two concepts. In order to collect the data necessary for this study, we conducted part of a documentary analysis and part of a survey of 30 women in the city of Ebolowa. The results of our research reveal that the women questioned use ICT in multiple ways and that the uses developed favor their empowerment. While using these tools gives them effective means to improve their living conditions, it does not, however, transform a social structure that traditionally disadvantages them.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectInformation and Communication Technologiesfr_FR
dc.subjectEmpowerment of womenfr_FR
dc.titleTIC et empowerment des femmes dans la région du Sud : Cas de la ville d’Ebolowa.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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