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dc.contributor.advisorBikomo Mbonomo, René-
dc.contributor.authorEba, Guy Fleury-
dc.description.abstractSS09 black morelle seed (solanum scabrum) was grown in the locality of Obala through a fully randomized experimental block consisting of four treatments (T0 - fallow, T1 - hen's dropping, T2 - pig manure, T3 - cow purse) and three repetitions each. The purpose of the study was to assess growth performance over a three-week period.Two weeks after transplanting the observations made did not show any significant difference between the different treatments and parameters studied (leaf number, plant size, collar diameter). However, three weeks after transplanting the T2 treatment revealed a significant number of leaves compared to the treatmentT0, T1, T3 with a significant difference in P < 0,01, while T0, T3 treatments did not find significant differences at the P threshold > 0.05. The fourth T2 treatment presented a significant number of sheet compared to T1, T0, T3 treatments with a significant difference in P< 0.001, while T0, T3 treatments showed no significant difference. For the size parameter, the data taken the second showed insignificant results in all treatments and for all parameters. In the third week the T2 treatment showed a significant difference to the P threshold < 0.01 compared to T0, T3. While the T1et T2, T0 and T3 treatments did not show significant differences in the P>0.05.the fourth week, T2 therapy showed a significant difference at the P>0.05.the fourth week, T2 therapy showed a significant difference in P < 0.001 compared to T0, T1, T3. While T0 and T3 treatments did not show significant differences at the P threshold >0.05. For the collar diameter parameter the data observed in the second week showed insignificant results for all blocks and parameters, while T2 treatment showed significant results at the third week at the P threshold < 0.01 compared to T0, T3. T2 and T1, T0 and T3 treatments showed insignificant results at the P>0.05 threshold. In the fourth week, T2 therapy showed significant results for T0, T3 treatments, while T0 and T3, T1 and T2 did not show results at the P> 0.05 threshold. For good production of black morelle in the locality of Obala, the T2 treatment (pork slurry) would be the best.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectSolanum scabrumfr_FR
dc.subjectDirect seedlingfr_FR
dc.subjectGrowth performancefr_FR
dc.subjectOrganic fertilizerfr_FR
dc.titleEffet des fertilisants organiques ( fiente de poule, bouse de vache, lisier de porc) sur les performances de la morelle noire (solanum scabrum) dans la localité d'Obala.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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