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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorOtye Elom, Paul Ulrich-
dc.contributor.authorNkili III, Thierry Verane-
dc.description.abstractThe present research is entitled "teachers pedagogical attitude and students’ academic performance. Case of goverment bilingual high School Ebolowa. It was a question for us to show the impact that the pedagogical attitude of the teacher has on the school performance of the students.We observed that students turns to belief that their academic performance solely depend on themself and not on their teachers. As we formulated a main research question which is «To what extend can teacher’s pedagogical attitude influence the student’s academic performance ". To answer this question we have as main objective «to determine how pedagogical attitude of the teacher positively influence student’s academic performance". Furthermore on the basis of the various objectives which we made, we formulated a general hypothesis which is:" Teacher pedagogical attitude significantly influences the student’s academic performance positively. To better understand our topic we called on the social learning theory of Bandura. To analyze our data we used the quantitative method of explanatory type which led to the confirmation of all our hypotheses. After analysis and interpretation of the results, we made some suggestions, to all the actors in charge of education, aimed at improving the academic performance of learners.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectAttitude Pédagogiquefr_FR
dc.subjectPerformance scolairefr_FR
dc.titleTeacher pedagogical attitude and student’s academic performance: Case of gouverment bilingual high school of Ebolowa.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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