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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorAtangana Ateba-
dc.contributor.authorNoubou Silatchom, Marcellin-
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of the work presented in this thesis is on the one hand the development of an ecological composite material based on banana pseudostem fiber, and on the other hand the physical and mechanical characterization of the latter. For this, the fibers were extracted using the state-of-the-art water retting method and treated with 5% concentrated caustic soda in order to get rid of impurities and lignin. The development of the pseudostem fiber + tannin + exudate + latex composite was made from four formulations in which we varied the latex content of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% in each formulation. Then the physical characterizations were determined in particular the apparent density ρmoy = 826.255kg / m3; the humidity level H avg = 3.53%; the absorption rate TA avg = 62.39%; the kinetics of absorption Vimoy = 0.00245g / s, following the mechanical characterizations such as: -the traction with a Young's modulus Et = 1155.47Mpa, a tensile strength stress σ_ (t.moy) = 0.8443Mpa and the maximum force supported in traction Ft.max = 123.25N; -the bending with an average Young's modulus Ef.max = 176.101Mpa and an average stress of bending strength σ_ (f.moy) = 1.973Mpa and the maximum force supported in bending Ft.max = 10.620 N. Of these The work shows that the composites of pseudo-trunk fibers with a tannin + exudate + latex matrix are in accordance with the standard EN 310. It also appears that the composites produced with the formulations of 5% and 10% latex exhibit better characteristics.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectFibres pseudo-troncs de bananierfr_FR
dc.subjectMatériaux compositefr_FR
dc.titleElaboration et caractérisation d’un matériau composite à base de fibre de pseudo-troncs de bananier.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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