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dc.contributor.advisorOtye Elom, Paul Ulrich-
dc.contributor.authorNyaga Atengana, Guy Patrice-
dc.description.abstractThe present research entitled "learner environment and academic achievement" attempts to provide an explanation for the problem of inequality in academic performance among learners. We started from the observation that the brightest students, in addition to their personal skills and abilities, also admit to having an environment that contributes to their good performance. The objective was therefore to show how the academic success of a learner can be influenced by certain elements of his direct environment. To achieve this goal, we base ourselves on the theories of social reproduction on the one hand and that of the practice on the other. We also conducted a quantitative study. Using the simple random sampling technique, we established a sample of seventy students to whom we submitted a closed-item questionnaire. The figures thus collected were analyzed using Excel, Word and SPSS software. Thanks to the chi-square test, we studied the link between our different variables. The results obtained reveal that only the family environment and peer groups have an influence on a learner's academic success. The school environment does not have a significant influence on academic success. On the basis of these results, recommendations aimed at making the learning environment more suitable were formulated. These recommendations were addressed not only to learners who are the main actors in their success but also to parents, guardians, teachers and guidance counselors because of their impact on the education of learners.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectRéussite scolairefr_FR
dc.titleEnvironnement de l’apprenant et réussite scolaire : Cas du lycée technique d’Akak-Essatolo.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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