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dc.contributor.advisorMgbwa, Vandelin-
dc.contributor.authorEngnegue Bayemi, Arnauld-
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to understand how the experiential experience of the employment contract potentiates the feeling of hesitation among higher education graduates. The pre-employment internship represents a transitional moment insofar as, at its end, the graduate trainee can get rid of the status of unemployed and acquires that of employee. Unfortunately, it happens that at the end of the pre-employment internship, the latter is not recruited within the company. The lack of access to employment, a basic social object, therefore introduces them into precariousness on the social and psychological levels. Social precariousness refers to the absence of one or more of the basic securities of daily life, in particular that of employment, allowing individuals and families to assume their professional, family and social obligations, and to enjoy their rights. Fundamentals (Furtos, 1999). The experience of precariousness is influenced by biographical and situational factors (Vandecasteele & Lefebvre, 2006). Hence the main research question posed in this study: how does the experiential experience of breach of employment contract potentiate the feeling of hesitation in people in a pre-employment situation? And his hypothesis: the experiential experience of the employment contract potentiates the feeling of hesitation in people in a pre-employment situation through narcissistic de-shoring, disaffiliation and operational thinking. To test this hypothesis, the research through a case study, conducted semi-structured interviews with a small number of participants (two). The results obtained and analyzed using the thematic content analysis reveal that the experiential experience of breaking a pre-employment work contract potentiates the feeling of hesitation in people in a pre-employment situation, through narcissistic de-shoring. Disaffiliation and operative thinking. These results therefore give clinical relevance to our initial hypothesis.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectExperiential experiencefr_FR
dc.subjectFeeling of uncertaintyfr_FR
dc.subjectSocial purposefr_FR
dc.subjectEmployment contractfr_FR
dc.titleVécu expérientiel de contrat de travail et sentiment de flottement chez les diplômes du supérieurfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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