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dc.contributor.advisorDong Mougnol, Maxime Gabriel-
dc.contributor.advisorMeyolo, Joël Narcisse-
dc.contributor.authorBolo Bolo, Bertrand-
dc.description.abstractThe parliamentary institution is the key of representative democracy as the nation elected sittiney there have received the people onction. The original mission of those people’s representatives is to vote the laws and audit the government management. However, the decline and incapacity of providence African nations to assume their legitimate missions resulted to retribution of roles in common development process. So, MPS have become more involved in the development issues rather than their traditional functions. This new trend was officialised by the president Ahmadou Ahidjo in Monatele in 1973 in his general policy speech. In his address, he exhorted political elites to promote it in their home divisions. The outcome of these multiple actions in favor of social well-being has remained tributary to a trilogy of elements. Then, the MPs attributions and at last, the profile of those people sitting en the different assemblies. Concerning the political crisis, three major facts marked particularly the MPs action. Firstly, paternalism still up to date in the fatherland representative institutions. Next, the police state instaured in the country by President Ahmadou Ahidjo through the ordonance about the law against subversion. And finally, the coming back to political pluralism which reformed the new parliamentary action. As regarding the MPs attributions, they become dynamic. The consulting assemblies without actual influence on the national life have thus become dedicated to discuss political issues, therefore able to define their own political agenda. This progress had a certain influence on the parliament initiatives about development. As for the MPs profile was concerned, a preminent indicator of the parliamentary action was also made up. However, if parliamentary institutions during the madate and monolithic era were dominated by public workers and traditional rulers, the coming back to pluralism thus made the liberal functions sacred in the parliament. That change had fruits as far as the all elements listed above and the MPs profile which determined the parliamentary action action in term of development in the the big Mbam, Nyong et Mfoumou, Nyong et So’o and upper Sanaga between 1946 and 2013.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.titleLe statut socioprofessionnel et politique de l’élite parlementaire et son impact au développement des régions du grand Mbam du Nyong et Mfoumou, du Nyong et So’o et de la haute Sanaga de 1946 à 2013fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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