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dc.contributor.advisorEkomane, Jean Louis-
dc.contributor.authorMada Tiadjouo, Line Chanbrele-
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of our research is to assess the share of microcredit in the financing of AFEs in Southern Cameroon. In order to achieve this objective, we collected data from 168 AFEs and 4 MFEs in Southern Cameroon. Our methodology consisted of adescriptive and econometric analysis of these data by estimating an ordered logit model in order to detect the theoretical basis of microfinance in AFEs in the South. Overall, our resultsindicate, on the one hand, a rather low participation of MFIs in the financing of AFEs in this southern region, amounting to 22.84%. On the other hand, the estimation of the ordered logit model indicates that the use of family labour in the AFE, the membership of a peasant organisation, the global income of the household outside of agricultural activity and the experience of the farmer are the main bases for the access of AFEs to microfinance.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectOrdered logitfr_FR
dc.subjectSouthern Cameroonfr_FR
dc.titleMicrocrédit et financement des exploitations familiales agricole au Cameroun : Cas de la région du Sud.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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