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dc.contributor.advisorNzhie Engono, Jean-
dc.contributor.advisorBoulla, Alain Roger-
dc.contributor.authorEmok Enyath, Marcel-
dc.description.abstractForced to move because of the climate of insecurity that prevails in the North-West and South-West Regions (NOSO), the English-speaking populations are now facing the thorny issue of integration into their new community of Home. It is in this context that the present study seeks to understand the process of socio-economic integration of displaced people from the socio-political crisis in Cameroon. The question that guided this research is the following: how do the internally displaced persons of the socio-political crisis manage to integrate socio economically in the localities to which they go? The main hypothesis emphasizes that the socio-economic integration of those displaced by the socio-political crisis is made possible by the mobilization of several actors : the local populations, the State and the Development Partners. This essentially qualitative study mobilized in its theoretical stance, symbolic interactionism, resilience and social capital. Data collection used documentary techniques, observation, as well as individual interviews and group discussions. At the end of a content analysis, it mainly emerges that the displaced, given the early and forced nature of their departure, do not have sufficient resources upon their arrival. They therefore face constraints such as problems of housing, communication, nutrition, education, health, access to employment and cultivable spaces, as well as discrimination and crises of confidence. To this end, they use the socio-economic opportunities offered by the local population, Development Partners and the State, to strengthen their resilience in the face of these integration difficulties observed in the Western Region. The analysis shows that in addition to being a vector of identity reconfiguration, the NOSO crisis and these socio-demographic upheavals are causing social transformations in the localities hosting the displaced. The sociabilities that arise from the mobilization of various integration actors reflect the plural dynamics that have been observed in the Western Region of Cameroon. Keywords: Socio-economic integration, socio political crisis, internally displaced persons, resiliencefr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectSocio-political crisisfr_FR
dc.subjectInternally displaced personsfr_FR
dc.subjectSocio-economic integrationfr_FR
dc.titleDynamiques d’intégration socioéconomique des déplacés de la crise sociopolitique du Nord Ouest et du Sud Ouest dans la région de l’ouest Camerounfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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