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dc.contributor.advisorPinghane Yonta, Achille-
dc.contributor.authorMandong, Louis Junior-
dc.description.abstractCorporate social responsibility is a call to the different companies exploiting natural resources to set up mechanisms to establish harmony with their local environments. It is a matter of promoting the good condition of employees, favoring the well-being of local residents and respecting the natural balance in their search for capital, which is the primary goal of any company. GRACAM and RAZEL-BEC, two companies specialized in the exploitation of so-called industrial quarries, respect this principle in their daily operations. Thus, these two companies have so far carried out certain palpable actions in the field to comply with this CSR principle. However, in spite of this, they are still facing several complaints from their local residents who do not feel that the presence of the companies in question on their land is justified. The main question formulated to this effect was that of knowing why the local populations express so many complaints in spite of all the actions set up by these companies until now. As a provisional answer, we illustrated the fact that the actions taken by these two companies so far are considered insufficient by the local communities in relation to their real expectations. We mobilized three theoretical approaches to gain a better understanding of our research, including the in-depth sociology of Georges Gurvitch, the social constructivism of Pierre Bourdieu and the dynamist sociology of Georges Balandier. We have also mobilized five data collection tools, including documentary observation, direct observation, indirect observation, interviews and questionnaires. After the field survey, we came to the conclusion that GRACAM and RAZEL-BEC have so far undertaken actions to promote the good condition of employees, ensure the well-being of local populations and respect the natural balance. However, they are facing shortcomings in relation to these three parameters and difficulties that partly justify these shortcomings. The difficulties in question will have led us to put forward perspectives for an improvement of their averages in this dynamic of respect of the CSR.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectCorporate social responsibilityfr_FR
dc.subjectIndustrial quarryfr_FR
dc.subjectLocal populationfr_FR
dc.titleLa responsabilité sociale des entreprises minières en contexte local au centre- Cameroun : cas de la gracam et razel-bec a Yaoundéfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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