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dc.contributor.advisorEyamo Evina, Victor Jos-
dc.contributor.authorNgo Ndouga Bitjong, Hélène-
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to assess the influence of the reduction of cocoa pulp by meansof beans spreading during fermentation on the fermentation medium and on the quality ofcocoa. For this study, the pods of German cocoa were harvested in a field and shelled on site,the fresh beans were previously spread ̒beans spreading ̓. Five treatments (treatment To, treatment T1, treatment T2, treatment T3 and treatment T4) were carried out six hours apart and then fermented in a heap on a banana leaf. The analyzes are based on the study of the evoluton of the temperature of the fermentation mass, and of the physicochemical parameters of commercial beans. From this study, it emerges that the temperature increase from the 2nd day,going from an average of 34,2°C au J1 to 38,7°C on J2, before reaching 26,9°C on J5. The Cut test reveals a gradual evolution from the slate color to the brown color in all the treatmentswith an early maturity and a relative abundance of brown beans in the T2, T3 and T4 treatments. The measurement of Ph also shows an increase in acidity of the beans ranging from an average of 6,26 at the Jo at 5,25 to the J5. So, the beans spreading would be an efficient and advantageous fermentation technique.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectQualité du cacaofr_FR
dc.subjectTheobroma cacao.L.fr_FR
dc.titleEffets de la réduction des effets de la pulpe du cacao à travers la technique du "Beans spreading" et la qualité des fèves de cacao après fermentationfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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