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dc.contributor.advisorNjankouo, Jacques Michel-
dc.contributor.authorKessae Ogolong, Romuald Landry-
dc.description.abstractThe present study is part of the urban restructuring framework, and its objective was to contribute to show that wood is a good MATERIAL for the construction of dwellings in the city of Ebolowa, with particular emphasis on the geotechnical study of the city, the identification of the species selected for wood construction and their specific use in the construction of wooden houses, the identification of the requirements for the realisation of a wooden construction, and finally, the determination of the added value that will be brought by the construction of wooden dwellings in the city of Ebolowa The objectives of this study were achieved through the triangulation method (literature review, interviews, observations). The results of the study show that, due to its geographical characteristics, the site of Ngalane is favourable for such a project and the wood species found in the area are suitable for timber construction. ); the choice of the parts which will be used in the framework of the house; thanks to this project the visibility of the city on the tourist plan and by ricochet development of this sector of activity will be made; the Reconstitution of the completely integrated local dies which will allow a true development of wood as material of construction.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectLogement Economiquefr_FR
dc.subjectLogement Ecologique construction boisfr_FR
dc.titleContribution à la construction des logements économique et écologique en Bois dans la ville d’Ebolowafr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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