Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/10225
Titre: Enseignement-apprentissage au moyen des supports didactiques et des dispositifs mnémotechniques, et augmentation des performances : cas de la philosophie
Auteur(s): Foe, Jospin Brice
Directeur(s): Dimi, Charles
Mots-clés: Engineering project
Learning philosophy
Date de publication: jui-2021
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé 1
Résumé: This work is a reflection based on the didactics of philosophy. The starting point was the malfunctioning situations observed in the ordinary teaching/learning, so as to build an engineering project based on two principal aspects. The first is the deep exploitation of teaching tools. The second is the deployment and the use of the mnemotechnic ways in the teaching/learning. This state of affairs made it possible to set up a system of teaching/learning which is, at the same time, complex, original, efficacious, and moreover able to enhance the students’ scores. The system has been evaluated on it efficaciousness based on students’ performance obtained after its use; and it was also evaluated on the study questionnaire. So, our research is a “case-study” type research which was achieved in a classroom facing lots problems. Thus, the system has proved his efficaciousness by bearing many results, since the class moved from the previous bad scores to the better ones. The present work is a presentation of the long and lengthy intellectual walk that is made up of many steps which permitted to come up to the system’s building; it focuses too on its constitution, without forgetting its appraisal. That is to be an alternative way to the ordinary teaching/learning of philosophy from the rational knowledge in the educational frame, the well-known theories and practices, communicable and reproducible, like a true engineer who weaves his achievement from his own intellectual possessions and the available materials. The project can be summed up in these terms: teaching and learning philosophy differently.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 156
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/10225
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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