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dc.contributor.advisorAkono Minlo, Ruben-
dc.contributor.authorEssame Avebe, Willy Archange-
dc.description.abstractThe teacher neglects the texts that govern his profession. This negligence exposes him to several penalties. Faced with this situation, we considered it useful to carry out research work on school legislation. We have chosen as our theme: “The mastery of the legal framework governing school legislation and success in the career of the teacher: study applied to retired teachers from the city of MBALMAYO”. This investigative work amounted in showing the influence of better mastery of knowledge of school legislation on the success of a teacher's career. Firstly, the theoretical study allowed us to present the legal framework of the teaching profession. It was about presenting the legal environment of the teaching profession on one hand and showing that mastery of texts is a determining factor for a successful career on the other hand. Secondly, it consisted in making an empirical study of the influence of knowledge of texts on the career of the teacher. To carry out our research, we started from a general hypothesis: mastery of the legal framework of the teaching profession is a factor in the success of a teacher's career. We break down our general hypothesis into 2 specific hypotheses: 1- The mastery of teacher's rights has an influence on the success of his career. 2- The crossing of all levels of the public service depends on the knowledge of his duties To verify the specific hypotheses obtained from the general hypothesis, we conducted a survey of 81 retired teachers from the town of Mbalmayo. The data collected from the questionnaires were analyzed, analyzed and interpreted using SPSS software. It emerges from this research work that the mastery of school legislation has an influence on career success. After our assumptions have been confirmed, we made suggestions, so that school legislation should be known to all.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectLégislation scolairefr_FR
dc.titleMaîtrise du cadre juridique régissant la législation scolaire et réussite de la carrière de l’enseignant : étude appliquée Aux enseignants retraites de la ville de Mbalmayofr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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