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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorObama Belinga, Christian Théophile-
dc.contributor.authorEtoua Mvom, Serge Noel-
dc.description.abstractThe management of administrative correspondence in public administration has motivated researchers to focus on how these documents are written and transmitted in and organisation within a company. Therefore, some approaches and tools were developed in order to improve the conditions of writing and transmitting these correspondence. So we proved that in ebolowa 1 council, administrative correspondences are effective, follow rules and regulations and have a gleat impact in the transmission of information despite the difficulties to adapting to the new information and technological communication. From an experimental approach implemented, we made two secondary research hypotheses which were tested using SPSS software, in particular by the chi-square test, and were confirmed. This allowed us to conclude in the relevance our major hypothesis according to which: Mastery of drafting in administrative correspondence favors the good fluidity of information and its transmission in internal and external communication.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectCorrespondances administrativesfr_FR
dc.subjectCommune d’Ebolowa 1erfr_FR
dc.titleRédaction et transmission des correspondances administratives dans la commune d’Ebolowa 1er.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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