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dc.contributor.advisorMbahbaï, Ranava-
dc.contributor.authorEbolo Olouman, Yann Davy Gilles-
dc.description.abstractOur subject is entitled: "Motivational strategies of adolescents with learning difficulties and optimization of school performance: study conducted at the Ebolowa Bilingual High School". It starts from the observation that a set of measures have been taken by the public authorities and education partners (education for all, collective promotion, free primary school, skills-based approach, etc.) in order to improve the quality of education by reducing the dropout rates, exclusion and repetition. For now, these measures point to mixed results, as dropout, failure and repetition rates remain constant or even increase over time. From this observation, the problem of poor academic performance arises acutely. To solve this problem, we formulated a research question: what motivational strategies do we develop for adolescents with learning difficulties in order to optimize their academic performance? Six adolescents with learning difficulties, a teacher and a guidance counselor made up our sample drawn in a reasoned manner from the Ebolowa Bilingual High School. An interview guide allowed us to collect data from this sample. The analysis of the speeches obtained during the interviews was the subject of a thematic content analysis and noted that indeed, adolescents in difficulty do indeed set up motivational strategies that allow them to optimize their academic performance. . Guidance counselors and teachers are not on the sidelines of this dynamic and they too are implementing strategies to motivate by encouraging adolescents with learning difficulties to work harder in their school work. These results will allow the public authorities as well as all the actors in charge of education to develop new motivational strategies not only focused on adolescents, but more on parents, teachers and guidance counselors in order to optimize the school performance of a greater number of pupils and, by extension, to reduce the repetition of classes and school dropouts.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectAdolescents en difficultéfr_FR
dc.subjectPerformances scolairesfr_FR
dc.subjectStratégies motivationnellesfr_FR
dc.titleStratégies motivationnelles des élèves en difficulté d’apprentissage et optimisation des performances scolaires : Cas des élèves du lycée bilingue d’Ebolawa.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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