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dc.contributor.advisorAbena Etoundi-
dc.contributor.authorGofio Debebona, Mardochée Lilian-
dc.description.abstractThis study focuses on "Internationals Conventions and the management of veterans and victims of war in Cameroon (2004-2018)" International Humanitarian Law is presented as this rule which applies to combatants during hostilities in order to protect humanity from the effects of war. This rule require combatants to demonstrate rationality in achieving the military objectives formulated by their hierarchy. This branch of international law was born out of the various customary principles in ancient civilizations, religious and philosophical ideals that framed the course of wars and more recently, the Battle of Solferino. The implementation of this rule passed through the ratification of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols by States in the world. Cameroon, a Central African State which has experienced a relatively stable period since the dawn of its independence, unlike other States in the sub-region, adhered to this rule in a spirit of international solidarity with a view to participating in the promotion and defense of human rights both on its territory and in the sub-region. Based on a written documentary background and various oral and digital sources, this study was analysed based on a pluralistic approach versing on interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity. The methods used were analytical and synthetic, highlighting an thematic approach. This enabled us to obtain the following results: to translate this desire to respect its international commitment in terms of armed conflict, Cameroon has put in place normative and organic mechanisms in favor of the armed forces and other professional bodies in the scene, to lead them to pay particular attention to IHL. This modesty of the Cameroonian nation testifies, even if some shortcomings can be noted, its willingness to respect its international commitments in relation to armed conflict.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectConventions Internationalesfr_FR
dc.subjectDroit international humanitairefr_FR
dc.subjectVictimes de guerrefr_FR
dc.subjectConventions de Genèvefr_FR
dc.titleLes conventions internationales et la gestion des anciens combattants et victimes de guerre au Cameroun (2004-2018)fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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