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dc.contributor.advisorEbale Moneze, Chandel-
dc.contributor.authorDjoumbissi, Nadine-
dc.description.abstractOccupation of swampy areas is a real problem in Cameroon’s urban environment and in the city of Yaoundé in particular. In just a few years, the phenomenon has grown considerably with a strong demographic growth which has thus influenced the demand for urban space. Neighbourhoods that were once considered unsuitable for construction and very humid are now areas with a high human concentration. We chose to assess the phenomenon in the area of Awae V located in Yaoundé IV district. We therefore came up with the following question: "Does uncontrolled occupation of swampy areas have an impact on the spread of diseases? To answer this question, we have formulated the following general hypothesis: "Uncontrolled occupation of swampy areas has an impact on the spread of diseases".After exploitation of our instrument of data collection what be questionnaire in view of the conclusions of these results, we can say that the uncontrolled occupation of swampy areas impacts the spread of diseases at Awae V in the Yaoundé town in Cameroon and we have suggested the solution vanguardto permit to the govemment to accomplish his objectifs.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectUncontrolled occupationfr_FR
dc.subjectSwampy areasfr_FR
dc.subjectSpread of diseasfr_FR
dc.titleOccupation anarchique des zones marécageuses et propagation des maladies : cas de Awae V dans la ville de Yaoundefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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