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dc.contributor.advisorNyock Ilouga, Samuel-
dc.contributor.authorEngoundang Nkada, Freshnelle Viany-
dc.description.abstractAcademic and vocational guidance has become one of the key challenges of higher education and is at the heart of the current concerns of the educational system (Randrianarison, 2020). Likewise, the assistance provided by guidance specialists to students as far as an entrepreneurial project development is concerned, can be understood, on the one hand, from the research led by Lent and al. (1994), and Ajzen and Fishbein (2005). However, according to Tsala Tsala (2007) and Okéné (2009), guidance practice in the university environment in Cameroon strongly deviates from these prescriptions, which are nevertheless well-defined. Thus, this study aims to investigate self-efficacy’s impact on the maturity of students’ entrepreneurial projects. So, we will analyse whether students’ self-efficacy increases the maturity of their entrepreneurial projects. This research used a quantitative approach in accordance with the literature, with a questionnaire administered to a random group of 200 master’s students of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Yaounde 2 for data collection. The data obtained were processed by the correlation analysis and simple linear regression. Results show that Planning/research (β=.13; p=004) and Opportunity (β=.089; p=.036) contribute to the full development of the entrepreneurial project. On the other hand, Vision/relationship (β=.02; p=.629) and Challenges/Funding (β=.038; p=.447) do not have any significant influence on the statistics of the professional project maturity. Overall, wecan understand that the maturity of students’ business projects depends on their self-efficacy. Therefore, in order to reach an expected maturity, we should put a particular emphasis on planning/research, because to be mature one has to plan and research. The opportunity is equally an important aspect in project creation, as it enables to set the expected goals.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectEntrepreneurial Projectfr_FR
dc.titleEtude de l’impact de l’auto-efficacité perçue sur le degré de maturité du projet entrepreneurialfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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