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dc.contributor.advisorBingono, Emmanuel-
dc.contributor.authorNgamfoumou Ondoua, Nadine-
dc.description.abstractThe study carried out concerns the quality of teaching and socio-professional integration of pygmy children. It is the subject of scientific research relating to a fact about pygmies who encounter difficulties in finding decent employment. We propose that the causes are linked to their stigmatization, marginalization and unfavorable prejudices because they constitute a minority whose morphology reveals that they vulnerable. Moreover, they social situation undermines their human dignity because they live in camps for the most part where access to quality education is precarious and their relations with their Bantu neighbors are generally incompatible. Faced with this deplorable , we believe that disciplines such as reading/writing, mathematics and persona development taught and assessed could allow them to be oriented towards jobs, even if they are citizens. Producers, able to become independent, to self-employ and therefore to integrate harmoniously into society. It is in this projection that we formulate the following main research question: does the quality of teaching promotes socio-professional integration? This observation has enabled us to formulate general hypothesis according to which: “The quality to teaching favors the socio-professional integration of pygmy children. The operationalization of this was only possible through the theoretical study of the medical model, socio-constructivism and social model of disability and generated three research hypothesis.HR1: The effective involvement of all pygmy children in the teaching/learning of reading-writing, mathematics and personal development influences their socio-professional integration. HR2: The adequate evaluation of lessons has an impact on integration. HR3: The education orientation of all pygmy children determines their socio-professional integration. We collected data using a questionnaire from 57 pygmy children from the class five and class six Catholic School of ADJOLI-BENGBIS. These have been confronted with the Chi-square test and which has confirmed our research assumptions and therefore our general hypothesis. With the foregoing, we issue suggestions about the members of the educational community and municipalities whose skills augur to glimpse the future under happy auspices.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectQuality of teachingfr_FR
dc.subjectsocio-professional integrationfr_FR
dc.titleQualité des enseignements et insertion socioprofessionnelle des enfants pygmées: cas des enfants pygmées des classes de CMI et CMII de l’école catholique d’Adjoli pris en charge par l’ONGD Zerca y Leyos à Bengbisfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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