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dc.contributor.advisorKollo Bandibeno, Innocents-
dc.contributor.authorInitjen, Jacqueline-
dc.description.abstractThe Professional effectiveness of teaching staff in schools and more specifically at Ebolowa Technical High School remains an equation that must be resolved in the face of the demands of competitiveness and the success of learners. The environment undoubtedly conditions the performance of the teacher because it must evolve in a favorable framework to boos this performance. This work aims to assess the impact of the school environment on the professional effectiveness of teaching staff at Ebolowa Technical High School. Using the likelihood ratio test we verify that our research is of a link type or relationship between the school environment and the professional effectiveness of staff at Ebolowa Technical High School. Faced with this research based on data collected in the field, we adopt a hypotheticodeductive or inductive method. Thus, we have found that the school environment (school environment), the safety at the place of service, the respect accorded to the person of the teacher all have an influence on the professional efficiency of the teaching staff in the technical high school of Ebolowa.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectSchool environmentfr_FR
dc.subjectProfessional efficiency of staff and high schoolfr_FR
dc.titleEnvironnement scolaire et efficacité professionnelle du personnel enseignant : Cas du Lycée Technique d’Ebolowa.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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