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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorMbahbai, Ranava-
dc.contributor.authorKamga, Franck-
dc.description.abstractThe present research is entitled "Addiction to gambling playing associated with school disorders: A study conducted among teenagers in second of secondary school at the Bilingual High School Ebolowa". It is based on the observation that addiction to gambling has become a daily occurrence for the majority of students. The problem is the impact of gambling on studies. The research question is what is the impact of gambling on studies? The general hypothesis of the research is that there is a significant relationship between excessive gambling and school disorders (SD). The aim is to determine the link between gambling addiction and school disorders. Methodology followed: carried out with 79 pupils of the 2nd of the Bilingual High School Ebolowa on the basis of a survey. Theory is cognitive perspective on gambling of Ladouceur & Walker (1996). The analysis was done using chi-square, the results of the chi-2 show that there is indeed a relationship between the frequency of participation in JHA and school disorders (χ²=7.401≥ χ²2; 0.005=5.99, C=0.09).Therefore, it is imperative that awareness campaigns and educational talks on the school disorders caused by gambling addiction are introduced to make students take a step back from the practice of these activities.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectGambling addictionfr_FR
dc.subjectSchool disordersfr_FR
dc.titleAddiction aux jeux de hasard et méfaits scolaires associés: Etude menée auprès des adolescents de 2nd du Lycée Bilingue d’Ebolowa.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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