Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/10330
Titre: Politiques publiques de sécurité au Cameroun postcolonial entre initiatives locales et connexions internationales : Cas des localités de Yaoundé et Douala (1962-2017)
Auteur(s): Zounedou Njankouo Sandamoun
Directeur(s): Dong Mougnol, Maxime Gabriel
Meyolo, Joël Narcisse
Mots-clés: Politiques publiques de sécurité
Politiques publiques
Initiatives locales
Connexions internationales
Date de publication: 2022
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: ''Public security policies in post-colonial Cameroon between local initiatives and international connections: case of the localities of Yaoundé and Douala (1962-2017)'', this is our research topic. Task to be included in the framework of research-action, to identify the economy and the relevance of security policies in urban areas including Yaoundé and Douala, constitutes the backdrop of our reflection. Clearly, this thesis aims to lead us to identify the resources mobilized within the framework of the fight against insecurity in Cameroon from 1962-2017. To do this, the Briqueterie and New-Bell districts are taken as real fields of analysis for the implementation of said security policies, given their cosmopolitan nature, and because of the insecurity that has raged there for ages. By relying on multidisciplinarity as a cognitive approach, we used in this research, oral, written, iconographic and digital sources and exploited archival funds. And, thanks to a combinatorial methodological approach, these sources have been confronted and analyzed as required by the reasoning of a historian. During this research, it appeared to us that the definition and implementation of security policies at the start was an exercise reserved for the settlers present in Cameroon; and they used it to establish their hegemony over the extent of the national territory. However, Cameroon's independence will allow it to empower its security choices through the consecration of security actors in insecure localities. Although flexible at the start, security policies will harden; this hardening was reflected firstly by the adoption of ordinance n ° 62 / OF / 18 of March 12, 1962 on the repression of subversion. Moreover, the failed coup of April 6, 1984 will impose a new strategy of resecuring urban areas, which will also become inappropriate after the period of democratic openness. From the year 2000, insecurity becomes a global problem because, maintained by cross-border criminal organizations; anything that prompts the State to take fairly specific security measures, including the adoption of Law No. 962 / PJL / AN on the repression of acts of terrorism. This is what justifies the intensification of security cooperation on the one hand between Cameroon and the sub-regional and regional partners, and on the other hand between Cameroon and certain European countries. this security cooperation, although beneficial, is also a source of dependence on Cameroon's strategy, hence the urgency to review them by developing endogenous security mechanisms based on efficiency.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 355
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/10330
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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