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dc.contributor.advisorDanguene Y. P., Emilien-
dc.contributor.advisorNgos III Simon, Simon-
dc.contributor.authorToyama Toyama, René-
dc.description.abstractSedimentology studies, geochemistry, δ13C and δ18O isotopes have been used to characterize the well-preserved carbonate depositional environments of the Bobassa and Ndimba unit in the 640-565 Ma Ombella-M'poko Formation, Central African Republic. The carbonate facies are mainly composed of calcite, dolomite and quartz with some accessory minerals (opaque minerals, muscovite and pyrite). The Ca/Mg ratios show that the Bobassa carbonates are slightly metamorphosed dolomitic limestones, while those of Ndimba correspond to slightly metamorphosed highly dolomitic limestones and cipolins. The Bobassa unit recorded a depositional evolution from fluvial to peritidal environments in a possible tectonically active platform as evidenced by changes of lithology and slump structures. The Ndimba was deposited in a tidal-influenced fluvio-lacustrine environment under dry conditions. Geochemistry revealed that the Bobassa and Ndimba units recorded variable redox conditions from anoxic to oxic. The PAAS-normalized REE + Y distributions indicate that the both units were slightly altered by freshwaters and detrital materials in reduced and acidic environments. The lowest δ18O ( -9,31‰) and highest δ13C (-0,34‰) values suggest warm surface waters and deeper water column respectively. The carbon isotope profiles of Bobassa and Ndimba units show values varying between -0.89 and -0.34‰ that are not stratigraphic coeval with the cap carbonates δ13C profiles deposited in the aftermath Marinoan Glaciation, but rather are correlated to the middle to upper part of the Schisto-Calcaire Group in Gabon and Republic of Congo and the timeequivalent Lukala Subgroup in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectGeochemistry isotopicfr_FR
dc.subjectProterozoic carbonate plateformsfr_FR
dc.titleEtudes de formation sédimentaires caronnées de Centrafique( Bobassa-Ndimba) : génèse évolution paléoenvironnementale et importance économiquefr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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