Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/10407
Titre: Gestion des déchets hospitaliers et prévention des risques sanitaires : cas de l’hôpital centrale et du centre hospitalier universitaire de la ville de Yaoundé
Auteur(s): Pandounke Nom, Germaine
Directeur(s): Ebale Moneze, Chandel
Mots-clés: Management
Hospital garbage
Sanitary risks
Date de publication: jui-2022
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: This work is entitled “management of hospital garbage and prevention of sanitary risk: case of Yaounde central hospital and university hospital centre”. It begins with the main question: Is there a significative link between the management of hospital garbage and the prevention of sanitary risks among staffs and riverside populations of the Yaounde’s hospital centres? The answer to this question which is our general work hypothesis is: there exists a significative link between the management of hospital garbage and the prevention of sanitary risks among staffs and riverside populations of the Yaounde’s hospital centres. It has been operationalized in three research hypothesises: RH1: there exists a significative link between the management of hospital garbage by cremation and the prevention of sanitary risks among staffs and riverside populations of the Yaounde’s hospital centres; RH2: there exists a significative link between the management of hospital garbage by burying and the prevention of sanitary risks among staffs and riverside populations of the Yaounde’s hospital centres; RH3: there exists a significative link between the management of hospital garbage by shredding and the prevention of sanitary risks among staffs and riverside populations of the Yaounde’s hospital centres. To verify these hypotheses, we have addressed a questionnaire to a sample of 207 participants chosen by the reasoned choice sampling. The data collected have been analyzed by the chi-square test and have led to the following conclusions: For RH1, α= 0.05, X2cal > X2read, RH1 is confirmed. For RH2, α= 0.05, X2cal > X2read, RH2 is confirmed. For RH3, α= 0.05, X2cal > X2read, RH3 is confirmed. These results have enabled us to confirm our general working hypothesis according to which there exists a significative link between the management of hospital garbage and the prevention of sanitary risks among staffs and riverside populations of the Yaounde’s hospital centres. Following the interpretation of the results, we have ended our work with some suggestions addressed to the government, sanitary staffs and riverside populations. Key words:
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 188
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/10407
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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