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dc.contributor.advisorBelinga Bessala, Simon-
dc.contributor.advisorMbeng Dang, Hanse Gilbert-
dc.contributor.authorNgong Atembone, Jacques-
dc.description.abstractThe present study is part of the current research in history didactics, in particular a history didactics to the test of ecological, health and social crises which threaten the survival of man on earth, due to the serious threats our planet is currently experiencing. According to Rees (2003), man in the 21st century has a 50% chance of survival on earth, due to the serious threats our planet is currently experiencing. This assertion has implications for history teaching due to its strong ability to shape learners consciousnesses. To continue this reflection, we are formulating a study entitled : the teaching of history in the anthropocene era : introduction of devices relating to eco-history and technocultures. The problem which structure this research is that of the theoretical and methodological perspectives of the teaching of history in Cameroon not updated in the anthropocene era. In other words, on the one hand, it is a question of not taking into account in the study programs in history of the first general cycle, aspects related to the total history of Braudel (1958), the eco-history of Walter (1993) and the big history of David Christian (1991a, 2013b, 2018c), which suppose to equip the learners to live better in the conditions of the anthropocene. On the other hand, the non-use of technocultural devices in teaching practices in history. The research question is how can history teaching prepare students to respond intelligently to life under anthroocene conditions ? the objective of our research is therefore to understand how the establishment of eco-history teaching through technocultures can help to equip learners to live better in anthropocene conditions. To define the contours of this subject of study, we have recourse to a set of theories including didactic transposition, bih history, historical reasoning, etc. These works allow us to situate the teaching of history in a posture of intelligibility based on the pursuit of human-nature interrelations. The research method is qualitative. It mobilizes various instruments : interview guide, observation grid, reading and critical analysis grid ; and allows, through content analysis, to generate results that confirm our working hypothesis, namely that the introducting of eco-history teaching through technocultures prepares learners to live better in the conditions of the anthropocene. In the current state of affairs, interdisciplinary practices should be encouraged, so that history also contributes to environnemtal education. Keywords :en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectTechnocultural devicesfr_FR
dc.titleL’enseignement de l’histoire à l’ère anthropocène: introduction des dispositifs relatifs à l’éco-histoire et aux technoculturesfr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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