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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorWanyaka Bonguen, Virginie-
dc.contributor.authorOmbe, Sébastien Thierry Régis-
dc.description.abstractThe present research work entitled, "The participation of the national navy in the fight against maritime piracy in Cameroon (1990-2018)", highlights the role of the national navy in the creation of peace and security in the Cameroonian. maritime space. The main question underlying this reflection is that of knowing what mechanisms have been put in place by the navy to thwart acts relating to piracy in the cameroonian basin? To answer this question, our analysis is based on an approach that is at once eclectic, empirical, systemic and transdisciplinary including the recourse to other disciplines, such as Polemology, Political Science and Geopolitics. These disciplines have enabled us to define the object, to establish the phenomenology of piracy and to decipher the issues and the response strategies of the navy against this phenomenon. The realization of this work was based on a multitude of archival sources, reports from international organizations, a panoply of articles from various displines as the reality of the phenomenon studied. At the end of the analysis, it emerges that the piracy which has affected the Cameroonian coast for several decades is ramification of maritime violence originating in the Nigerian basin. Indeed, following the crisis in the governance of the oil sector in the Nigeria, the deltaic communities have become radicalized and have tipped into piracy which has spread across the Cameroonian coast. A transnational and protean maritime threat, piracy has become a danger for the survival, security and sovereignty of this country. As such, il provoked a reaction from the Cameroonian public authorities. This resulted in the swift security response of the national Navy supported by other actors. While this naval security response is real and further complicates the work of pirates gangs, is has not solved the problem in the long term. Hence the need to provide a social response to the problem which appears more as objective and rational option for the eradication of the phenomenon in the long term. Keywords :en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectMaritime piracyfr_FR
dc.subjectGulf of Guineafr_FR
dc.subjectNiger Deltafr_FR
dc.titleLa participation de la marine nationale dans la lutte contre la piraterie maritime au Cameroun (1990 -2018) : essai d’analyse historiquefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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