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dc.contributor.advisorWanyaka Bonguen Oyongmen, Virginie-
dc.contributor.authorMoguang Teckeudo, Livia Naomie-
dc.description.abstractAfter the Second World War, African countries raised the issue of their emancipation much more vehemently. As for Cameroon, the first political party to raise the emancipation issue was UPC. This was done in two main phases: firstly, the political activism from 1948 to 1955 and secondly the stalemate in violent protests (1955-1974). First mainly located in Sanaga-Maritime with the CNO, the revolution spread over many other regions including Bamileke with the SDNK then localities such as Baham, Mbouda, Bamena, Batchingou, Bangangté, etc. with the ALNK. The Specific case of Ndé reveals tangible signs that reflect a real armed struggle opposing the nationalists of UPC on the one hand and the colonial authorities first then Cameroonian from 1960 on the other hand. The rebellion committed in the "maquis" conducted West Cameroon in general and particularly the head division of Ndé into a total state of insecurity. The current work raises the issue of insecurity in the head division of Ndé from 1955 to 1974, seen from both sides: the actions carried out by the nationalists and the reactions of the colonial authorities then Cameroonian. To realize this work, oral, archival, written iconographic and webographic sources were crucial. To analyse the information collected from the different sources, two approaches were used: the diachronic and the inductive-hypothetical-deductive approach. From these analyses, the various vectors that favoured the establishment of the "maquis" in Ndé head division emerged. The different actors, the mode of organization and functioning of the paramilitary structures in the Ndé were noted as well as the divisions within these structures and the response of the law enforcement forces. This struggle was the basis of a national feeling culture, guarantee of patriotism. Keywords:en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectHead division of Ndéfr_FR
dc.subjectArmed strugglefr_FR
dc.titleLa lutte armée dans le département du Nde (ouest-Cameroun) : 1955-1974fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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