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dc.contributor.advisorAntang Yamo-
dc.contributor.authorNkoa Obougou, Albain Freddy-
dc.description.abstractThis work entitled: “climate change and adaptation strategies on the physical and cultural environment of the Kako’o community of Ndélélé in East Cameroon: contribution to the anthropology of development.” Attempts to remove the ambiguity on the essence of strategies developed by the Kako‟o community of Ndélélé to deal with change climate in order to keep resilient and their environment stable for their well-being. To understand these strategies, the research went from questioning the sources of strategic pluralism in the solving climate change, and immediately threw out the idea that the multiplicity adaptation strategies developed by the Kako‟o community in the face of change climate is to ensure their well-being. The verification of this assumption is therefore passed by the demonstration that the strategies developed by the Kako‟o operate in their way of life. To For this purpose, the qualitative approach was required through a double research: the research documentary and the field. The processing of the data collected was done on the basis of the content analysis and iconographic analysis techniques. All of this data has been analyzed, under the prism of ethnomethodology, which highlights group methods to through the establishment of endogenous mechanisms; of cultural ecology, which emphasizes relations between man and his environment for endogenous adaptation and culturalism which highlights the knowledge acquired by an individual in a group in order to ensure the resilience to climate change. The results obtained show the effects of climate change that are observed at the level of the environment (agriculture, fishing, hunting, delay in the start of the rainy season, excessive heat), health (animal health, plant and human life) and socio-cultural life (deforestation, non-compliance with social norms and deities). To cope with the effects of these climate change and improve their well-being, the Kako‟ o develop coping strategies and mechanisms in response to socio-environmental constraints. To this end, anti-erosion development; the adoption of new varieties of cultures; modification of the order of sowing; the abandonment of the agricultural calendar; diversification income-generating activities, all these dynamics observed in their way of life, aim to make it stable and conducive to their societal well-being, both in terms of their relationship with the environment, than on the enhancement of their way of life. Keywords:en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectClimate changefr_FR
dc.subjectKako‟o communityfr_FR
dc.subjectAdaptation strategiesfr_FR
dc.titleChangement climatique et stratégies d’adaptation sur l’environnement physique et culturel de la communauté Kako’ o de Ndelele à l’est Cameroun : Contribution à l’anthropologie du développementfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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