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dc.contributor.advisorNenkam, Chamberlain-
dc.contributor.authorFoudjo Tsatsop, Ariane-
dc.description.abstractInfluenced both by the way of life of our parents, by youth and especially by the founding works of the new historiography and African Egyptology, we asked for a comparative study of the methods and accessories of Kemtyou and Nguembong communication. of West Cameroon. How is there a cultural unity beetwen the kemet and nguembong communication processes and accessories of west Cameroon?the use of several sources including written, oral, archaeological, iconographic and linguistic made it possible to structure this work into four chapters. We first presented the origins of the Nguembong peoples of West Cameroon. Secondly, it was about the forms, conceptions and actors of communication. We then explained the communication tools. Finally, the functions, impacts, causes of the disappearance of communication methods and accessories as well as the strategies for their reassessment were the subject of this study. At the end of this study, the uniformity of communication methods and accessories is to be noted despite some differences in formen_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectPeuple Kemetfr_FR
dc.subjectPeuple Nguembongfr_FR
dc.subjectOuest Camerounfr_FR
dc.subjectInstruments de communicationfr_FR
dc.titleLes méthodes et instruments de communication chez le peuple Kemet (ancien empire et nouvel empire) et les peuples Nguembong de l’ouest-Cameroun.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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