Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/10515
Titre: Culture et prise en charge de la ménopause chez les Ntumu de la vallée du Ntem : Contribution à l’anthropologie médicale
Auteur(s): Nko’o, Antoine Marco
Directeur(s): Socpa, Antoine
Mots-clés: Culture
Therapeutic road
Ntem valley
Date de publication: 1-jui-2022
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: The dissertation that will be presented is entitled « Culture et prise en charge de la menopause chez les Ntumu de la vallée du Ntem ». the choice of this topic had been motivated by a heavy desire to open a scientific debate on the physical, emotional, mental and even the social feelings of woman when she is no more in possessions of all her means and physical assets that is to say when she is at the stage of menopausis. In the department of Ntem valley the perception of menopause is in all likelihood like all the phenomenones that occurs in that zone which are confronted to modernization and acculturation as so it would have be our duty to search how the culture of the people of that zone that is the Ntumu apprehend menopause regardless of the forme in which it is presented and if it to comme to appear earlier or later what are the alternative that offers the Ntumu’s traditional health system. The main question of this study is to know how do culture influe to the pick –up charge of menopause in Ntem valley and this question is follow by a main hypothesis as the Ntumu are using the culture to pick –up charge menopause and to treat the complications and the main objective of this study is to show the process that is used by the Ntumu’s people to pick up charge menopause. The course of our research will have put us face to face a context which requires step and a scientific and known deontologyin social sciences for obtention of accurate results scientifically exploitables which conducted us to appl the metrhods, approachs and technics and specific tools to carry out this study. In effect discussed of a research with a qualitative method which permitted from long to wide the use of direct observation followed by individual interview and also collection of data among key informers and all this occursby the use of data collection tools such as tape recorder, phone, and all this was follow by the proceed of analyzing and interpretations of data to obtain results. As way of results we have obtained by mean the emic apprehension of menopause in the Ntumu culture and equally some perspective offered by the traditional medicine.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 148
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/10515
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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