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dc.contributor.advisorNgomsi, Augustin-
dc.contributor.authorAlima Atedzoe, Thierry Armel-
dc.description.abstractThis thesis provides theoretical and empirical explanations of the effect of structural transformation on employment in the CEMAC zone. Structural transformation in highlited by the manufacturing sector. The analysis concerns a sample of 6 CEMAC countries for the period of 10 ranging from 2009 to 2018. In the order to know if the model is estimable, we carried out a stationarity test and the hausmann test (1978) on our variables and the results obtained after a panel analysis using the ordinary least square method show a positive effect of structural transformation on employment in the CEMAC zone. This suggests a better consideration of this sector by the public authorities in order to fight against unemployment in the sub-region and accelerate the growth which is observed by the GDP but without leaving the human capital which is measured by the competence, attitude, capacity, intellectual agility, learning, education and ultimately experience and expertise in training without forgetting the DH which in turn integrates the GDP per capital, the expectation of life at birth and literacy rate.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectTransformation structurellefr_FR
dc.titleTransformation structurelle de l’economie et emploi en CEMACfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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