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dc.contributor.advisorBikomo Mbonomo, René-
dc.contributor.authorAtagouddouanla, Suzanne-
dc.description.abstractThe cultivation of oyster mushroom, an edible mushroom has been identified as a potential sector for recycling agricultural residues by producing a mushroom of high nutritional value offering various benefits such as nutrition, improved livelihoods through income diversification, and job creation. In order to achieve good production and obtain a good yield, the judicious choice of the growing medium is necessary (Lushiku, 2012). It is with this in mind that the present investigation was made to test the effect of different substrates on the yield of oyster mushrooms. This study was carried out from January to April 2021 at the GIC fungus located in the western region of Cameroon with the main objective of contributing to the improvement of the production of Pleurotus ostreatus. Five substrates were used, namely white sawdust, corn cob, bean tops, coffee pulp as well as the corn cob + white sawdust mixture. For this purpose, a completely random experimental set-up was used. The substrates used were repeated 4 times each. Either 5 substrates x 4 repeats and each unit had 4 bundles (5x4x4) or in total a sample of 80 bundles. These substrates were crumbled, soaked in water, drained, mixed with the porridge (mixture of water, urea, slaked lime and fungicide) then pasteurized. Sachets were filled with this mixture and seeded with the white oyster mushroom (mycellium). The average incubation time, primordia maturation, the total number of fruited horeholes, the percentage of horehound contamination and the total production in fresh weight of each substrate were the parameters studied. Data analysis was performed using the ANOVA test at 5% significance level. These parameters vary depending on the type of substrate. Incubation was faster on the bean tops (19.5 ±22,53 days) and slower on the corn cob + white sawdust mixture (31.5±1,29 days). The primordia matured faster on the mixture of the corn cob + white sawdust mixture (1.93±2,23 days). The coffee pulp recorded a contamination rate of 100%. And in terms of production, the corn cob + White sawdust mixture gave the best result (1583.45g). It is therefore the best substrate in terms of maturation time, percentage of contamination (20%), and yield. This study gave us a better understanding of the use of different substrates for the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. It appears that the production of the fungus depends on the substrate.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectOuest Camerounfr_FR
dc.titleInfluence du type de substrat sur le rendement des champignons du genre pleurotus (pleurotus Ostreatus) dans la région de l’ouest Camerounfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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