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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorBingono, Emmanuel-
dc.contributor.authorAssolo Ndille, Pierre Axel Aymar-
dc.description.abstractThis research is entitled: “self-image and choice of courses: case of the students of the technical high school of Ebolowa” We started from the observation according to which the boys somehow manage to integrate into the commercial section which is exclusively reserved for girls like ESF and similarly girls turn to industrial sectors such as Maco, Menu which necessarily has an influence on the choice of a course. In order to solve this problem, we resorted to the theory of social identity of Tajfet and Turner and the theory of the professional self of Markus and Sentis. In short, they explain how the perception of the image can be decisive in the choice of a course. The research question that guided our study is the following: How does self-image influence the choice of a course? The answer to this question gave the following general hypothesis: identity determines the choice of a course. The operationalization of this hypothesis gave rise to three specific hypotheses, namely: physical identity determines the choice of a course; psychological identity determines the choice of a course and finally social identity determines the choice of a course.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectImage de soifr_FR
dc.subjectChoix de filièresfr_FR
dc.subjectLycée Technique d’Ebolowafr_FR
dc.titleImage de soi et choix de filières : cas des élèves du lycée technique d’Ebolowafr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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