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dc.contributor.advisorTchuikoua, Louis Bernard-
dc.contributor.authorNdiglembaye, Arnaud-
dc.description.abstractThe city of Moundou, like all other cities in developing countries, is experiencing difficulties in the area of household waste management. There is an NGO that collects household waste (ID or PLIM), hired by the urban community of Moundou, but the poor condition of the roads makes it impossible to collect waste throughout the city. We understand that some neighborhoods are not covered by ID or PLIM, an NGO that uses the truck "as well as the OPCs" for its field work. Among the neighborhoods not covered, we have: Dokab, Belaba, Ku-jèricho, Tayé and Ngara which are very close to different markets in the city. As a result, there are garbage dumps everywhere. These dumps are sources of insalubrity, diseases (malaria, cholera, typhoid fever), insects, rodents and stench. we proceeded with household surveys to find out if the inhabitants can pay for this service. Interviews with local authorities were also part of our methodology in order to explain to them and to know how they would welcome the implementation of the service. Our fieldwork revealed that the household waste management system in Moundou is still in its infancy. The city produces an average of 0.31 kg per day of household waste, or a total of 18670 kg and 28781 kg per year. The population resorts to burning, dumping garbage either in the streets, in the gutters or in the waterways. This situation generates a multiplication of disease vectors such as insects and various rodents and a degradation of the quality of the environment. It is essential to think, as soon as possible, about reorganizing the waste management system in the city of Moundou by raising awareness, coupled with significant sanctions for a gradual change in the habits and mentality of local populations. Different actors (the State, the NGO ID and the households) intervene in the city of Moundou for the improvement of hygiene practices and sanitation. In order to reinforce the action of these actors and the efforts of the populations, we have proposed alternative solutions for the management of household waste in the city of Moundou. In the absence of eradicating uncontrolled dumps, and promoting sorting at the source accompanied by the establishment of a market for waste recovery. Keywords:en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectWaste managementfr_FR
dc.subjectCity of Moundoufr_FR
dc.subjectHousehold wastefr_FR
dc.titleImpacts socioéconomiques et environnementaux lies à la gestion des déchets solides ménagers à Moundou 1er (Tchad)fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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