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dc.contributor.advisorOumarou Mazadou-
dc.contributor.authorTchangdoum, Robert-
dc.description.abstractThe thesis focuses on: “The question of governance: a reading of Corruption and governance by Lucien Ayissi”. Thus titled, we were led to ask ourselves: is corruption the only source of poor state governance in Africa? What are the principles that guarantee good governance? What is the relevance of the republican ethics proposed by Lucien Ayissi as a solution to the problem of poor governance in Africa? To answer it, we opted for an analytico-dialectic approach which led to the following results: governance is a broad concept which covers all aspects of the conduct of private and public affairs, including economic policies and the regulatory framework. It refers to the rules, processes and behaviors that influence the exercise of power, particularly in terms of openness, participation, accountability, efficiency and consistency. Governance is a mode of management which tends to be codified with regard to standards or codes of conduct. The deficit of good governance is linked to institutional complicities such as legal loopholes, the porosity of complacent and ineffective legislation, or because it does not apply universally, as the principle of isonomy is completely non-existent, or because the corruptibility of those who are responsible for speaking the law no longer ensures the credit of this one with the litigants. Consequently, corruption, a cynical game to which one only indulges himself after having lost the sense of man, of the public good, of the State and even of the world, is a phenomenon which destroys the State and it is to fight as it appears to be a worldwide phenomenon. Faced with this collective fight, this work, based on the philosophy of governance of Lucien Ayissi, aims to raise awareness of the need to develop republican consciousness, which is inhabited by research, defense and the preservation of the common good of the Republic. The concept of governance has for reference a style of power or administration of the city. Good governance requires educational education in public affairs. We must teach leaders a republican ethic, and finally that the management of the state be ethically good. The fight against corruption must be effective within our societies. A sense of responsibility must be the basis for sound management of public affairs, for peaceful living together. It is therefore a contribution of African philosophy to African States by Africans and for Africans.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectCivic educationfr_FR
dc.subjectCrisis of the rule of lawfr_FR
dc.subjectPolitical nihilismfr_FR
dc.subjectRepublican ethics.fr_FR
dc.titleLa question de la gouvernance : Une lecture de corruption et gouvernance de Lucien Ayissifr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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