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dc.contributor.advisorAnafak Lemofak, Antoine Japhet-
dc.contributor.authorKouralaye Bakoussa, Laplace-
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation focuses on the bilateral Chad-Sudan relations and their political impact in Chad from 1960-2010. In order to achieve this, the methodological approach was to use a variety of documentation, including oral, written, electronic and iconographic sources. The hypothetical-deductive approach was favored to account for the factual dimension of the subject. The main question on which this study is based is the following: what are the factors underlying the Chadian conflicts? In order to better establish the contours of this work, three theories were mobilised, namely: realism, conflictualism and political developmentalism. The work is subdivided into four chapters, the first of which is entitled Context of Chad-Sudan Relations. The second chapter is entitled the major players in Chad-Sudan relations. The third chapter is entitled influence of Chadian-Sudanese relations on the internal politics of Chad. The fourth chapter deals with the Chad-Sudan rapprochement and the end of the proxy war. Historically, relations between Chad and Sudan are not new. It began in the 13th century in the former Western Sudan or Darfur, now called Sudan. The relationship between Chad and Sudan has been marked by conflict and is rarely smooth. Notwithstanding the political facts, cooperation in the socio-cultural and economic fields has brought undeniable development. However, both Chadian and Sudanese leaders have had their share of problems. Chad, in particular, has experienced enormous consequences, especially at the political level. From 1965 to 2009, Chad is seen as a textbook case of factional conflicts and cycles of violence. From the MNLT to the FLT via the FROLINAT, not to mention the regimes of Hissein Habré and Idriss Déby Itno, Sudanese interference in Chadian affairs is real and repeated. Apart from Sudan, several countries are aggravating Chadian conflicts. The case of France, the United States of America, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Egypt is conclusive. Despite the recurrence of conflicts, a peace agreement was signed on 15 January 2010 between Chad and Sudan. Following the agreement, Chad and Sudan have committed themselves to organising joint military patrols on the borders.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectBilateral cooperationfr_FR
dc.subjectCivil warfr_FR
dc.titleRelations bilatérales Tchad-Soudan et leur impact politique au Tchad de 1960-2010.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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