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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorOwono Zambo, Nathanaël Noël-
dc.contributor.authorBaima, Marcel-
dc.description.abstractWar is certainly a violent confrontation between men, resulting in loss of human life and material damage, but it is not inevitable. Aware of this reality, the German philosopher, Immanuel Kant projected “perpetual peace” for all mankind. Faced with the emergence of asymmetrical wars that are shaking the world today, we have opted to examine this phenomenon with a view to finding solutions that can remedy it, hence the theme: "The Kantian project of perpetual peace in the face of contemporary polemology. A reading of towards perpetual peace. Philosophical essay.‟‟ This theme leads us to adopt the analytical and critical method to question the conditions of possibility of a lasting peace from Kant's perspective. It is a question of knowing what the causes of war between men are. And what solutions can be envisaged to the problem of war in the Kant’s perspective? By answering at these questions, we realized that the causes of war, as denounced by Kant, are timeless realities. Injustice, failure to respect fundamental rights and the sovereignty of States, diplomatic hypocrisy, are, always and everywhere, situations that can generate wars. Certainly, the wars that we live today are no longer the same as those that were fought at the time of Kant, namely, wars between States or nations. Indeed, nowadays, we speak more of hybrid or asymmetrical wars than of interstate wars in their classic forms. However, the same causes produce the same effects. This is why, in the face of the new security challenges facing the world today, the Kantian project of peace serves as a theoretical springboard for us to update the question of the sovereignty of States and that of human rights in every person. In the end, this study allows us to affirm that respect for human dignity is the imperative solution for the preservation of peace in the world.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectGlobal governancefr_FR
dc.subjectClassical warfr_FR
dc.subjectHybrid warfr_FR
dc.titleLe projet kantien de paix perpétuelle face à la polémologie contemporaine. une lecture de Vers la paix perpétuelle. Essai philosophique.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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