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dc.contributor.advisorMeyolo, Joël Narcisse-
dc.contributor.authorNgono, Vanina Solve-
dc.description.abstractBy focusing on the theme of Cameroon-Switzerland cooperation in the field of education and vocational training (1963-2017), this study sets itself the task of identifying and analyzing the various bilateral projects carried out in the matter, with a view to questioning its real relevance. To achieve this mission, the use of the diachronic method was requested throughout this analysis. The functionalist and complex interdependence theories have for their part made it possible to identify the overall scheme of this relationship which falls within the framework of bilateral cooperation based on a general basis, well-defined objectives and methods. By choosing to place this area at the heart of their exchanges, following Cameroon’s accession to international sovereignty, the two States are nurturing social and systemic objectives through it. Based on a specific political and institutional framework, it was from 1963, with the signing of their first agreement that Cameroon and Switzerland really launched cooperation in education and vocational training. This cooperating has given rise to a panoply of projects materialized in various forms, ranging from support for the establishment of training institutions to inter-institutional collaboration, including refresher courses organized in Cameroon and Switzerland under the aegis of either an action combining initial training and continuous training or within the exclusive framework of continuous training. After analysis of the various results have shown that, although facing some difficulties, Cameroon-Switzerland cooperation in the field of education and vocational training remains beneficial for both parties both socially and financially economic. A few mechanisms, such as the creation of a common commission for the study of promising projects, the association of the Cameroonian private sector for the design and implementation of projects and the insertion of entrepreneurial training in all development projects collaboration could, however, maximize the benefits of partnership.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectProfessional trainingfr_FR
dc.titleLa coopération Cameroun-Suisse dans le domaine de l’éducation et de la formation professionnelle (1963-2017)fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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