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dc.contributor.advisorFomena, Abraham-
dc.contributor.advisorDjiéto-Lordon, Champlain-
dc.contributor.authorTadu, Zéphirin-
dc.description.abstractAnts were great ethological and ecological dominant species in natural ecosystems. In agroforestry systems, occupation of space derived on a three-dimensional pattern known as ''arboreal ants’ mosaic'' so the properties can be exploited for agricultural purposes according to predatory ability of some dominant species in the context of integrated pest management control programs. It’s within this overall context that a study was initiated in order to highlight the role and place of the trophic competition in arboreal ant communities’ structure. More specifically, the study aim to determine inside cocoa agroforestry systems: (1) the diversity and distribution of ants according to habitat; (2) the structuring of ant communities between habitats; (3 ) the influences of pesticide treatments on ant communities, (4) the description and modelization of the spatial ant communities distribution; (5) items diet of some arboreal ants species potentially beneficial for crop protection and (6) study and modeling strategies for food resources exploitation: specific case of predation. The study took place in the Center Region of Cameroon between 2006 and 2010. Bokito, Obala, Ngomedzap and Minkoa-Meyos orchard (IRAD experimental station). In addition, some experiments were conducted in the laboratory of Zoology of University of Yaoundé I. Ants were collected by chemical knock down method in smalholding cocoa farms and ethological tests in field and laboratory according to specific protocols for each studied species.fr_FR
dc.format.extent259 p.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectMosaïque des fourmis arboricolesfr_FR
dc.subjectModèle nulfr_FR
dc.subjectFourmis dominantesfr_FR
dc.subjectCinétique de recrutementfr_FR
dc.subjectChaîne de Markovfr_FR
dc.subjectCartes d’interpolation spatialesfr_FR
dc.titleOrganisation spatiale des communautés de fourmis arboricoles tropicale : rôle structurant et importance du comportement prédateurfr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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