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dc.contributor.advisorEbanga Tanyi, Maureen-
dc.contributor.authorNjinti Yeka, Junior-
dc.description.abstractThe principal objective of this study was to examine the impact of Principals’ Transactional leadership style on human resources management in some selected schools in Yaounde VI Municipality. Transactional leadership is a relatively a new approach which focuses on how a leader influences and motivates his subordinates by giving rewards and punishment with certain performance standards. The research stressed on the fact most principals are appointed without any formal training in leadership and this has contributed to poor utilization of human resources put at their disposal leading to low performance, failing to achieve the goal of the institution. To achieve the aim of this research, the researcher used a sample of 342 teachers of public and lay private secondary schools in Yaounde VI municipality. For clear analysis, the study centers on two broad variables; the dependent variable which is human resources management and the independent variable which is Principal Transactional leadership style. The researcher made use of contingent Reward, Active and Passive management as sub variables. A mixed research design (qualitative and quantitative) was used in the study. In order to effectively collect data, we used closed ended questionnaire and semi-structured interview guide as instruments. The data that was collected and analysed using SPSS20 tool, and reported using a regression for the inferential statistics, and frequency distribution tables, percentages for descriptive statistics. The study findings showed that contingent reward in transactional leadership style impacts positively on human resource management. Coefficient is r-0.216, pv (0.000), less than 0.05 which is the alpha. Active management does not have a significant impact on human resource management. Coefficient is r- 0.092, pv (0.070) more than 0.05 which is the alpha. It affirms the null. It is the responsibility of principals to ensure that active management does not affect the level of autonomy of staff. Passive management has a positive influence on human resource management. Coefficient is r-0.553, pv (0.217), less than 0.05 which is the alpha. Transactional leadership style and its components enhance effective human resource management. Monitoring should be at a level that does not affect autonomy of the staff. Based on our findings, we made recommendations to a host of stakeholders to ameliorate the educational sector especially training of principals before appointment so that they can better manage school resources. We ended the study with suggestion for further studies and conclusion.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectTransactional Leadershipfr_FR
dc.subjectContingent Rewardfr_FR
dc.subjectActive managementfr_FR
dc.subjectPassive Managementfr_FR
dc.subjectHuman Resource Managementfr_FR
dc.titleTransactional leadership of school Principal in the management of human Resources in some selected Secondary Schools in Yaounde vi Municipalityfr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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