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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorNguimfack, Léonard-
dc.contributor.authorNzelle Anyamoh, Mercy-
dc.description.abstractThis study entitled, “learning strategies and students’ bilingual achievement” seeks to study the strategies used by students in the bilingual education system to achieve learning objectives. This study was inspired from the study of Atindogbe and Dissake (2019) who revealed that students in the universities where official bilingualism is used, face two types of learning difficulties: language barrier or linguistic insecurity, and subject content because of the language of instruction. We equally observed that students are having difficulties in understanding lessons not because of the contents but because of language barrier. We formulated the problem of poor bilingual achievement by students. Thus we asked: is there a relationship between learning strategies and students bilingual achievement? To answer the question, we formulated the hypothesis that there is a relationship between learning strategies and students’ bilingual achievement. The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between learning strategies and students’ bilingual achievement. The research was carried out in the faculty of education of University of Yaoundé I and the sample population was Master II students of Curricula et Evaluation (CEV) and Enseignements Fondamentaux en Education (EFE). To achieve the objective of this study, the quantitative research survey design was used whereby given a population of 249, A minimum sample of 152 students were determined by consulting Krejcie and Morgan (1970). The five points Likert scale questionnaire was used for data collection and this data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The hypotheses were tested with a combination of Pearson correlation and regression tools. The results obtained from the verification of the hypotheses were as follows: hypothesis 1 there is a relationship between selfmotivation and students’ bilingual achievement, hypothesis 2: there is no relationship between student interaction and students’ bilingual achievement, hypothesis 3: there is a relationship between personal effort and students’ bilingual achievement. Consequently, some recommendations were made.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectLearning strategiesfr_FR
dc.subjectBilingual achievementfr_FR
dc.titleLearning strategies and students bilingual achievment in the faculty of the University of Yaoundé Ifr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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