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dc.contributor.advisorAjeagah Againdum, Gideon-
dc.contributor.authorNdikum Achiri, Elvis-
dc.description.abstractThis memoir entitled: “Global surveillance of breathing complications (Asthma prevalence and severity in Yaounde, Cameroon): Relation to environmental risk factors”, focused on psychosocial, biological and socio-economic risk factors which are inevitably to cause complex breathing problems like asthma episodes and other diseases. According to the World Health Organization, through birth, adolescence and beyond, air pollution principally driven by fossil fuels, and exacerbated by climate change damages the lungs and every other vital organ. Our study strived to explored the relationship that exist between environmental risk factors and the rise in the prevalence and severity of asthma episodes among children, adolescents and adults in Yaounde, Cameroon. We used a mixed method research study and conducted a cross sectional data through passive consent within (27) primary and (22) secondary schools in the Mfoundi Division, Yaounde Cameroon’s capital city area from November 2018 to May 2019. Quantitative and qualitative data was collected through parents, guardians of children and adolescents in schools. We measured the weight, height of children and adolescents, and video watched on respiratory problems by adolescents. The key components of questionnaire being; surveillance; asthma management; confirmation by doctor diagnosed asthma, socioeconomic status; early life environment; potential risk factors in the environment; home environment; and smoking. The results from our study conducted among 722 children, 1066 adolescents and 860 adults in Yaounde revealed that: the prevalence of self-reported asthma at 3,6%(n=2648) respondents, with 1,8%, 5,3% and 3% in children, adolescents and adults, respectively. In our study, there was a strong correlation highlighted between tobacco smoking, poor quality of life and poor asthma control. The prevalence of shisha or water pipe smoked at home doubled among adolescents with 4,8% currently smoking. There was a strong association of wheezing symptoms in the last 12 months and risk factor for asthma. In our study, age and sex emerged as an aggravating factor or having an impact on the respiratory pathology. The prevalence was higher among adolescents than in adults and children respectively. In our study there was a relationship between body mass index and risk of symptoms of asthma, especially with significant number of overweight children and adolescents. The results from the research hypotheses led us to conclude that; asthma affects all age groups with more cases noticed among adolescents, followed by adults then children. This confirms association to increasing environmental risk factors such as air pollution, but also underdiagnoses among adolescents which could be resolved by more community education, awareness and advocacy on the need for early screening before adolescent age. Given that asthma could be of biological (genetic), but also causal factors such as psycho-social and socio-economic risk factors.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectEnvironmental risk factorsfr_FR
dc.titleGlobal surveillance of breathing complications (asthma prevalence and severity in Yaounde, Cameroon): relation to environmental risk factorsfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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