Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11108
Titre: Représentations socioculturelles de la covid-19 chez les populations du quartier carrière à Yaoundé Cameroun
Auteur(s): Kwopya Fandio, Ariane
Directeur(s): Socpa, Antoine
Mots-clés: Covid-19
Endogenous practice
Date de publication: 2022
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé 1
Résumé: The present research work has as theme «socio-cultural representations of covid-19 among the population of the carrier neighborhood in Yaoundé-Cameroon”. It strives to socially and culturally describe the representations of the corona virus in this area by emphasizing on their therapy processes. Actually, the corona virus is a public health problem that takes different forms depending on whether you are in a particular environment. This work is therefore a detailed representation of this pathology at the populations of “Carrière”. Known as covid19 in conventional medicine, by the date of its onset, covid is a disease that is in fully swinging and is exponentially reducing populations on a global scale. The reason that prompts us to do this work in this district is that despite the therapeutic system put in place by the government on the one hand, the measures and cogs put in place by the government on the other hand; the populations of “Carrière” don’t fully adhere to it. People who were initially sick started biomedical treatment and subsequently discontinued it. In other to understand the reasons for this interruption, we asked ourselves four questions. What are the socio-cultural representations of coronavirus disease by the carrier populations? What knowledge do carrier populations have of covid-19? What are the socio-cultural constructions around corona virus disease? How is the choice of therapeutic practises of carrier populations around covid-19 is made? In order to carry out our work, we did some documentary research coupled with field work that deals with pandemic diseases while the second has highlighted the usual data collection techniques in Anthropology, namely: direct observation, in-depth interviews, and life stories. The processing of the data collected was based on the technique of content analysis. These data were interpreted in the light of the theory of reasoned action of Martin FISHBEIN and Ice AJZEN and the ethno-perspective or ethno-analysis of Mbonji EDJENGUELE and social representations. The analysis of the data collected shows that: the corona virus disease is called Covid-19 because of its year of onset, it affects all categories of people, namely: women; men; children and manifests itself much more on older pole and its causes are natural and chemical. The perceptions having by the surroundings over the corona virus disease depend on its acknowledged origin. Natural therapy is based on the intake of herbal and therapeutic herbal decoctions. And the chemical therapy is carried out by biomedicine, including its quarantine until the complete recovery of the patient accompanied by the taking of the aforementioned decoction. The consequences of the corona virus are cases of repeated dead every minute, affections of parents vis-à-vis of their children at home, note that, these consequences present stability in some couples and in others not. It should be noted that the representations that the population of “Carrier” have over this pathology is ambiguous given its different manifestations in daily life, we do not know where to turn.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 177
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11108
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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