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dc.contributor.advisorEssimbi Zobo, Bernard-
dc.contributor.authorEssebe Eba, David-
dc.description.abstractThe nonlinear dynamic research in laser physics, especially in semiconductor lasers (SCLs) is still growing rapidly since the emergence of first laser diodes (LD). These SCLs are of paramount importance in optical data processing and optical communications. This Thesis studies the nonlinear dynamics of optical injection semiconductor lasers (OISCLs) by focusing on noise effects, its control and suppression using modified SCLs rate equations. Lasers exhibit spontaneous emission phenomenon, which is stochastic and, then a noise induced-effect. We treated noise influence in laser by adding the Langevin noises in laser rate equations. As results, we showed the method of avoiding and eliminating the 1/f noise, which requires a master laser (ML) with lower phase fluctuations. We optimized the relative intensity noise (RIN) in the low-frequency region (up to relaxation frequency around 1GHz) and reduced the level of intensity noise and the frequency noise (FN) when the OISCL is controlled by a new control parameter socalled effective gain coefficient (EGC) among many other parameters. We also developed a modified formula of laser full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) leading to an ideal laser linewidth modulated by the EGC in addition to the Henry factor. Next, we integrated it in an electrical oscillator based on resonant tunneling diode (RTD) in order to study the induced-nonlinear dynamics. We showed that either stabilities or instabilities of SCLs are enhanced by optoelectronic integration with an RTD. The EGC allows the restriction of locked optical phase leading to the stability control. The DC voltage, the parameter 𝑟(the resistance of the DC biasing circuit) and the EGC were control parameters in the central of these works: We observed that stable points are achieved, when the RTD is biased in the NDR either by smoothly increasing the DC voltage or by increasing 𝑟 while the EGC is decreasing. Nevertheless, the system has widely generated unstable oscillations. Various rich forms of dynamical behaviors have been observed including generation of chaos, hyperchaos and multistability with coexistence of N-scrolls and M-scrolls attractors due to cooperative dynamics between electrical excitation and optical injection in SCL. We achieved the route to chaos via cascade period doubling sequences termed Feigenbaum scenario in addition to the reversal period doubling cascade named antimonotonicity and, the OISCL exhibited furthermore strange attractors such as chaotic multiscroll attractors and an infinite scroll attractor. We used the parameter and DC voltage to control multistability and chaos. Lastly, in optical domain, the system has revealed bursting oscillations (BOs), mixed mode oscillations (MMOs), square-wave BOs modulated by the EGC, and mixed mode incrementing bifurcation (MMOIBs) relevant in the description of brain neuron activity.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectSemiconductor laserfr_FR
dc.subjectOptical injectionfr_FR
dc.subjectEffective gain coefficientfr_FR
dc.subjectOptoelectronic oscillatorsfr_FR
dc.subjectRésonant tunneling diodefr_FR
dc.subjectMixed mode oscillationsfr_FR
dc.titleDynamics of optical injection Semiconductor lasers: effects of Langevinian noise sources and integrated Resonant tunneling diode devicesfr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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