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dc.contributor.advisorDjouda Feudjio, Yves Bertrand-
dc.contributor.authorNgatcha, Wilfred Landry-
dc.description.abstractFor developing countries traditional medical practices are the best way the treat diseases. According to the WHO, 80 percent of the population of these countries resort to these practices though considered as sacred and important, these practices lead us to an overview of the triptychs patient – neighbadood – preservation of health. This study entitled « Use of ethnomedecine in the treatment of adult’s typhoid fever in Yaoundé-Cameroon », stems from several observations. In fact, the appearance of affection is usually handed by traditional care. This leads us question ourselves on the motivations of the use of traditional care in the treatment of typhoid fever. Therefore, the following question was formulated: What explains the use of practice of ethnomedecine in the treatment of adult’s typhoid fever in Yaoundé? To answer this question the principal hypothesis states that social determinants as well as etiological beliefs and self-care network that acts as counselors, prescriptions influence the choices of ethnomedecine as therapeutic itinerary in case of typhoid. This study mobilized etiological therapeutic model of François LAPLANTINE and the sociological theory of network of MERCKLE. The study was base en the exploitation of data collected through observation, life story and interview on the reasons that justifies the use of ethnomedecine as therapeutic itinerary for the treatment of typhoid fever. It appears that people are very often guided, or better constrained by their self-care network, which is of great help through the different roles and contribution they bring.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectTyphoid feverfr_FR
dc.titleRecours à l’ethnomédecine dans le traitement de la fièvre typhoïde chez les adultes à Yaoundé- Camerounfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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