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dc.contributor.advisorTanga Onana, Joseph-
dc.contributor.authorMbia Mintsa, Gilbert-
dc.description.abstractThe study of the monograph on the Mvog-Betsi Botanical Zoo garden prompted an analysis, following the potentials offered by this protected area, which is part of the colonial heritage acquired by the French colonial administration. Initiated by Mr Pfeiffer in 1951, who was member of this administration. The site has been managed by several institutions; it has been the responsibility of the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife since 2005 just after its creation and the sharing of tasks between the latter and MINEF which became MINEP. The Zoo after having passed a period of degradation underwent a rehabilitation organized between the Cameroonian government and the non-governmental organization called Ape Action Africa from England. Its low participation in national development and the poor functioning of the latter continues to capture the attention of the populations, hence the need to know how it can contribute to socio-economic development. For the realization of this research work, we exploited the sources found in several documentation centers. The methodology used is document analysis. The results show that the Zoo Botanic Garden of Mvog-Betsi experienced three periods of management namely: the management from 1951 to 1971 by the colonial administration, the management from 1971 to 1996 which marks the period of degradation of the Zoo accentuated by the lack of maintenance and the absence of monitoring by the Cameroonian government; the third management period goes from 1996 until 2018 marked by the rehabilitation and reorganization of the site. In addition, it appears that the Zoo, despite its contribution to socio-economic development, still faces several difficulties that must be taken into account.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectBotanical Zoo gardenfr_FR
dc.subjectFrench colonial administrationfr_FR
dc.subjectPfeiffer in 1951fr_FR
dc.titleMonographie du jardin zoo botanique de mvog-betsi : 1951-2018fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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