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dc.contributor.advisorMazadou, Oumarou-
dc.contributor.authorTita Sama Ladifatu-
dc.description.abstractThis research work is centred on “Peace building in the light of Michael Walzer’s just and unjust war”. Its field of action is that of the achievement and maintenance of peace in nowadays socio-political sphere. To be more precise, it is a critical analysis on the peace building project of Michael Walzer. From the point of view of peace building in our African societies and in the world at large, it shall be the question of orientating the vision of Michael Walzer against the new disguised forms of aggression and war induced by the theory of globalisation in a new form of veiled or concealed aggression and war. The challenges here are to show the necessity of rethinking “the peace building project” embraced by Africans and the world at in the light of the theory of just and unjust war of Walzer. Thus, the following research questions: Can the peace building project of Michael Walzer enables the realisation of peace in nowadays socio-political issues? To what extent can this peace building project of Walzer succeed in African socio-political issues? To give answer to this crucial concern, analytical and critical method was used throughout this work to analyse, not just the peace building projects in the History of Philosophy but also that of Walzer that based on just and unjust war theory as well as the originality of Africans as regards to peace building. All in all, the main thesis of this work is as follows: The reason for conflicts that are jeopardising the presence of peace in mankind is the lack of harmony among decision makers as pointed out by Walzer. On the final result, this work concluded that to achieve and maintain peace will not just depend on the putting in place of laws but also, the establishment of a harmonious force at the international level that could stop any means of war in general. Also, the need for Africans in particular to resort to Kamite Democracy that could enables harmony in the security system through the palaver tree and under which leaders could be changed at will in accordance to the voice of the people through citizen’s based security system.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectJust and unjust war theoryfr_FR
dc.subjectSocio-political spherefr_FR
dc.subjectPalaver treefr_FR
dc.subjectKamite democracyfr_FR
dc.subjectCitizen's based security systemfr_FR
dc.titlePeace building in the light of Michael Walzer’s just and unjust war.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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