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dc.contributor.advisorNdjah Etolo, Edith-
dc.contributor.authorNgamgo, Gaëlle Madeleine-
dc.description.abstractThe title of this dissertation, “Social and environmental management of hospital waste in Ngaoundere’s health facilities”, is the result of an academic research carried out in that city of our country. The unreserved utilization of products for single use, and the presence of plastics for domestic use in streams and gutters is obvious evidence of this fact. Although there are many regulations aiming at controlling the management of hospital waste, one observes that it is still inappropriately dealt with, either because of a lack of duty consciousness or inadequate infrastructure. Therefore, the main question of this work stands as follows: How without treating hospital waste? In answering that question, the hypothesis that this permanence is due to the absence of national policies was raised. Grounded on qualitative methods, this study, in its theoretical aspect, focuses on Raymond Bourdon‟s methodological individualism alongside Bronislaw Malinowski‟s fonctionnalisim. To assess the relevance of this hypothesis, a thorough review of previous connected works as well as field investigation were necessary. Data from the field were collected through direct observation and guided interviews. The first results obtained show that the irrational management of hospital waste in Ngaoundere is actually due to a legal vacuum in that specific aspect. The consequences of this are, among others, the degrading environment, the spread of diseases and incorrect use of resources. As a matter of fact, it is clear that the way hospital waste is treated presently is rather unsatisfactory, and even is dangerous for the population if one considers its direct impact on health and environment.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectSocial managementfr_FR
dc.subjectHospital wastefr_FR
dc.subjectHealth facilitiesfr_FR
dc.titleGestion des déchets hospitaliers dans les formations sanitaires et incidence sociale et environnementale dans la ville de N’Gaoundéréfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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