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dc.contributor.advisorNdjebakal Souk, Emmanuel-
dc.contributor.authorZambo Atangana, Armand Bouges-
dc.description.abstractThis study aims at the easy appropriation of the establishment project in the public secondary establishments of the city of Yaoundé. Part of the fact that, in a context marked by the implementation of the establishment project in secondary schools in Cameroon for more than twenty years, the main objective of which is to enable the success of the greatest number of pupil, we observe a persistence in its appropriation by the actors in charge of its elaboration, its implementation and its follow-up. This rigidity in its appropriation has as its corollary a drop in the performance of learners, a low rate of socialization materialized by an increase in violence in the school environment and a loss of visibility in the attractiveness of these establishments. The main objective being to define a contextual device (of supervision) facilitating the development of a school project in order to guarantee an easier appropriation of this management tool, a major axis for optimizing results with the main hypothesis the development of a provisional system for the school project contributes effectively to optimizing the results. B To test our hypotheses, we have, from a questionnaire and interviews collected data from 32 individuals spread over 03 establishments. These data were processed using SPSS software and analyzed using the Pearson correlation test from which our specific hypotheses were confirmed. The results we have reached indicate that there is a positive and moderate link between the school project and the optimization of results in terms of school mission.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectSchool projectfr_FR
dc.subjectSecondary schoolfr_FR
dc.subjectOptimization of resultsfr_FR
dc.subjectSchool missionfr_FR
dc.subjectPlanning systemfr_FR
dc.titlePlanification du projet d’établissement et optimisation des résultats : cas de trois établissements publics d’enseignement secondaire général de la ville de Yaoundé.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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